This is mainly a place for me to jot down ideas. Feel free to suggest more...
- some sort of generic pc (probably a micron, since that's what I have)
- some sort of generic laptop
- iMac
- Netwinder
- SGI Visual Workstation
- PalmPilot
- UltraSparc
- one of Compaq's new AlphaServers? no clue what they look like.
- AS/400
- NeXT
- anything else?
- Linux
- RedHat Linux
- OS/2
- Be
- OS/400
- MacOS
- Solaris
- PalmOS
- NextStep
- others (if we have hardware)
Gameplay changes:
- The current level system sucks. Each level should progress from 'slow' to 'fast', and either introduce a new obstacle or significantly change the starting speed.
- The game should be winnable.
- The insurmountable hordes of Bill are pretty silly.
- Wingdows really should crash occasionally.
- Possibly some sort of bonus system - could use bonus to run a wingdows emulator to foll the IT people.
- The ability to hit a 'Justice department' button to kill all existing
Bills. More points if you wait longer before doing this.
Obstacles (possibly indexed by level):
- none
- networks (as in 2.0)
- wireless networks (computer has an antenna)
- mindless drones (could replace the hordes)
- IT department (lose points if they see a machine not running wingdows)
Internal changes:
- language: C++ with GTK, or Java?
- image support should be more flexible - support scaling
- sound
- not a 1-1 mapping between computer and OS - use a table
- possibly use drag and drop instead of changing the cursor?
Brian Wellington (bwelling@xbill.org)